Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Valentine's Day Tribute to My Husband

Quiet, comforting, faithful, solid ….
Our love.

Love like this doesn’t happen
in a day, or a week, or a month, or a year.

Love like this happens as the
seasons of life mellow our hearts:
seasons of change,
seasons of hardship,
seasons of joy.

Love like this isn’t flashy;
it isn’t dramatic;
it may even go unnoticed
by the rest of the world.

Love like this--

love like ours--
is quiet,
like the whispered kisses you brush 
across my cheek when you think I’m asleep.

Love like ours
is comforting,
like the hug my heart feels
when I hear your voice in
unexpected moments.

Love like ours
is faithful,
like the assurance you send
in your encouraging love notes
during a stressful day.

Love like ours
is solid,
like the knowledge that everything is okay,
even when we express differing opinions.

Precious, sweet, enduring, and dear ….
Thank you, my love, for this most extraordinary gift –
Our love.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Gray Day

It's been a tepid winter, and I've missed the blustery cold Indiana days. I want snow days and whiteouts and mittens and scarves! 

On Sunday, January 10, it finally happened. We woke up to falling snow and sinking temperatures. The metropolis groaned under the weight of the salted roads. The news stations produced special weather reports. The sensible grown-ups around me complained. But inside, my heart was smiling. 

Gray day,
Lazy day,
Stay in your jammies kind of day.

Snow day,
Cozy day,
Eat popcorn by the fire day.

Fun day,
Fluffy day,
Make angels in the snow day.

Cold day,
Blustery day,
An Indiana winter day.